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Policies & Rules

NO Skateboards or Scooters at Harry Ball Fields

For the safety of the players and fans, Beverly Little League prohibits skateboards, ripstiks, scooters (kick style or motorized), and bikeboards at Harry Ball Fields.

Lights Policy For Harry Ball Field

*5:30 games are to finish promptly at 7:30. A new inning may not start after 7:20. No pitch shall be thrown after 7:30.
*7:30 games are to finish promptly at 9:30. No new inning may start after 9:20. No pitch shall be thrown after 9:30.
*If the time limit comes into effect and the inning is not complete, the game reverts back to the last full inning's score.
PLEASE NOTE: The lights must be off by 9:45 PM in accordance with Beverly Little League's rules.

Batting Cage Guidelines

The batting cages at Harry Ball are open for use by teams only (no individuals).   Teams in Majors and Minors are eligible to use the cages.

Hours of operation:
M-F 4:30-7:30 PM.
Sat. 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM.
Sun. 11:00 AM - 7:30 PM.

  • The cages are to be used in 1/2 hour increments.
  • Managers can sign up for the cages no more than two weeks in advance and on a first come first served basis.
  • Teams can use the cage no more than two times per week, no exceptions.
  • The sign up sheet will be kept in the concession stand. Those who work in the concession stand do not run the cages so please do not give them a hard time.
  • No individual batting practice.
  • No player is allowed in the cage without a coach.
  • Violations of this policy will result in loss of privileges.

Guidelines to being a Little League Parent

1. Remember to have fun with your child.
2. Don't be an ump from the bleachers.
3. Always be positive.
4. Accept your children for who they are.
5. Never compare your child to others.
6. Keep your expectations realistic.
7. Be on time for practice and games.
8. Make safety a priority.
9. Emphasize sportsmanship and effort over winning.

(taken from "Life Lessons from Little League" by Vincent Fortanasce)

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